Cnicus benedictus
Also called Holy Thistle, reportedly derived its name from its successful use as a smallpox cure in medieval Europe and for its other powerful medicinal properties. The 17th century herbalist, Culpepper, referred to Blessed Thistle as an effective treatment for headaches, fever and female complains. Historical use also include treatment for jaundice, kidney, gallbladder, digestive and spleen problems as well circulation to the brain, internal cancer, liver problems, memory problems, migraine headache and senility.

In relation to women, Blessed Thistle has a long history as a restorative herb and is reported to have these beneficial effects :

stimulate milk production in nursing mothers, relieve cramps and painful menstruation, treat headaches associate with female cycles, balance female hormones, eliminate leucorrhea, promote lactation, enrich breast milk, strengthen the body during pregnancy.

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