Colostrum and all its components such as lactoferrin, lactins, lactoperoxidase and approximately 50 other proteins are associated with the immuno-regulating process of the immune system.
Since these proteins are nutritional and regulatory substances for the immune system, they are intended to be ingested orally.
This starts a process of neurological stimulation and physiological responses such as the salivatory process producing enzymes, buffers and other preparatory digestive secretions including the mechanical process of mastication or chewing.
Colostrum is an all natural nutritional food supplement. This product can assist you in enhancing your body's overall processes. It may enhance your body's immune functions and it promotes your overall good health and well being.
Colostrum is not a drug. It is a food substance. Colostrum has no known side effects or contraindications.
The First Milking of Colostrum contains about 80% of the valuable proteins (Immune Modulators and Growth Supplements).
Several additional components like conglutinin and the basic proteins Beta-lipin and ubiquitin are also present in colostrum.
Colostrum is as old as motherhood. This first lacteral secretion has many properties such as quick energy from its fats, passive immunity from its immunoglobulins, and the little understood nonspecific proteins that regulate and stimulate normal body functions.
Colostrum is part of the micro-nutrient system and requires only a very small amount to support or benefit the immune system and elicit the desired response. Careful choice of colostrum products not only is cost-saving but will allow the user to obtain the desired responses.
The recommendation of 3000 mg (3 gram) to 4500 mg (4.5 gram) for a normal daily amount could be sufficient (to a little low) when using the first 3 milkings as the source of colostrum. However, 150 mg to 300 mg of FIRST MILKING COLOSTRUM is sufficient in most instances.