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Said also STH, somatotrope hormone, somatotropine or GH (growth hormone). It is a simple protein formed by the sequence of 191 amino-acids. The molecular weight is around 21500.

It was discovered in 1920. This hormone could be drawn only by brains of dead bodies, to draw few drops thousand of dead bodies were needed. It was isolated in 1956 and the structure was identified in 1972. In 1986 it was produced with genetic engineering techniques.

Today we can have low costs.

It circulates in blood in low concentrations (around 10 thousand parts of gram for liter). The middle life is of around 20-30 minutes.

it is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (ipofisi) by stimulation of the growth hormone-releasing factor or GHRF, substance produced by the ipotalamo. The GHRF is stimulated by the ipoglicemia (for example caused by the fast or administering insuline), by intense physical activity, fever, stress, tiroxina, istamina, serotonina, etc. Opposite effects have the hormones of the adrenal bark or the reserpina.

It is produced during the whole life, even if overcome the 31 years the levels decrease of 14% around every ten years.

The GH, through the production of another hormone, the factor of growth 1 similar to the insuline (IGF-1), favors the absorption of the amino-acids, that allows the muscular development, improves the synthesis of the DNA and RNA, and makes it easier to absorbe carbohydrates and it increases the retention of the nitrogen.

The most important physiological effect is to favor the somatic development (development of the body): it is the substance responsible of the growth and the lack causes delays in the development and dwarfism. In the infancy and in the adolescence it stimulates the growth and the sexual development, increases the muscular mass and favors the formation of the bony fabric. It is important in the metabolism of adult men. A study on a group of persons of over 60 years of age has underlined that indeed cause a physical and psychological comfort. It stimulates the growth of long bones particularly in the young people, maintains and favors muscular growth, of the liver and of the kidney, cooperates with the androgen hormones   in the development of the genital external. All these effects are effected in presence of insuline only. It makes positive the nitrogenous budget, increasing the incorporation of the amino-acids in the proteins, decreases the fat content of the fabrics and increases the glicemia. It favors milky production.

GH has been used for long time by acclaimed clinical cases (for example, where children that don't succeed in reaching a middle stature to the least threshold).

It would help in the build muscular fabric (famous in body building), it would increase the bony mass, it would help in the regrowth of the hair, 9% of muscular mass would increase without physical exercise and 15% of some fat mass would decrease without diets, it would increase the sexual performace, the renal functions, would recover the wounds, it would improve the sleep, the activity of the other hormones, the immune system, the memory, would regenerate heart and liver, it would decrease the tall pressure, it would reduce the wrinkles and it would give you the aspect of having young skin.

It would have however dangerous collateral effects as the development of tumors, the widening of the cranium and the feet, enlargement of the inside organs, of the skeletal mass of the connective fabric, change of the tolerance to the glucose.

It is therefore unadvisable to assume it (it is used above all in form of injections) but rather to stimulate its synthesis through other substances as arginine, OKG, glutammine, etc. Proteins also stimulate GH.

It is available also a natural product studied on purpose, the American's Growth Booster.

See also Doc Feel Good.

Scientific studies
Effects of human growth hormone on body composition in elderly men
The drug arginine aspartate (pargin) in the therapy of hyposomal states
Arginine aspartate and muscular activity
Oral administration effects, with different doses, of arginine aspartate and arginine chlorhydrate upon growth hormone and free fatty acids plasmatic rates in normal fasting children
Therapy with arginine chlorohydrate in children with short constitutional stature
Insulin-like growth factor 1 and hair growth
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