1. Pierpaoli, W. and Santamaria, L. Ulteriori indagini
sull'evidenza di processi fotodinamici naturali nella retina di
vitello. Atti della Società Italiana di Patologia, 7, 867, 1961.
2. Santamaria, L. and Pierpaoli, W. Action of visible light and
X-rays on isolated calf retina. Communication at the 2nd
International Congress of Radiation Research. Harrogate,
England, 1962, p. 235 (abstract).
3. Pierpaoli, W. and Pace, G. Modificazioni
elettrocardiografiche da effetto fotodinamico su cuore isolato
di mammifero. Bollettino di Chimica Farmaceutica, 102, 20,
4. Pace, G. and Pierpaoli, W. Photodynamic effect of
dihydroquinidine on isolated hearts of mammals. Nature, 199,
915, 1963.
5. Clerici, E., Pierpaoli, W. and Romussi, M. Rapporti tra
tolleranza immunologica alla caseina ed amiloidosi sperimentale.
Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e
Naturali dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, s. VIII, 36, 315,
6. Pierpaoli, W. and Clerici, E. Immunological aspects of
experimental amyloidosis. Experientia,20, 693, 1964.
7. Pace, G. and Pierpaoli, W. Photodynamic effect of
dihydroquinidine on the oxidative phosphorylation by
mitochondria of mammal hearts. Radiation Research, 25, 309, 1965
8. Pierpaoli, W., Pace, G. and Grisler, R. Wirkung des Chinidins
auf die oxydative Phosphorylierung und auf den K-Gehalt in den
Mitochondrien des Herzmuskels. Experientia, 21, 410, 1965.
9. Pace, G., Pierpaoli, W. and Clerici, E. Glicolisi aerobia di
tessuti normali sospesi in differenti "media" di incubazione.
Atti della Società Italiana di Patologia, 9, 789, 1965.
10. Provini, L., Mocarelli, P., Pierpaoli, W. and Clerici, E.
Relazioni fra sistema nervoso vegetativo e rigenerazione
epatica. Atti della Società Italiana di Patologia 9, 789, 1965.
11. Clerici, E., Pierpaoli, W. and Romussi, M. Experimental
amyloidosis in immunity. Pathologia et Microbiologia, 28, 806,
12. Clerici, E., Mocarelli, P., Pierpaoli, W. and Natale, N.
Induzione dell'amiloidosi in conigli timectomizzati e/o
appendicectomizzati alla nascita. Convegno sul Timo, Cernobbio,
Como, Italy, 27 June 1965. Minerva Pediatrica.
13. Provini, L., Clerici, E., Pierpaoli, W. and Mocarelli, P.
Proprietà immunologiche dell'amiloidosi estrattiva. Bollettino
della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 41, fasc. 20
bis, 1965.
14.Clerici, E., Pierpaoli, W., Mocarelli, P. and Villa, M.L.
Timectomia neonatale e amiloidosi sperimentale. Atti della
Società Italiana di Patologia, 9, 667, 1965.
15.Clerici, E., Mocarelli, P., Pierpaoli, W., Provini, L. and
Villa, M.L. Induction of experimental amyloidosis in neonatally
thymectomized mice. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 1, 425, 1966. |
16. Pierpaoli, W. Experimental amyloidosis and renal
disease. Experientia, 23, 561, 1967.
17. Pierpaoli, W. and Blazkovec, A.A. Glomerulonefrite
sperimentale ed amiloidosi da caseina nel ratto albino.
Atti della Società Italiana di Patologia 10, 967, 1967.
18.Pace, G., Pierpaoli, W. and Clerici, E. Aerobic
glycolysis of normal tissues suspended in thoracic duct
lymph. Experientia, 23, 63, 1967.
19.Pierpaoli, W. Thymectomy and the prolongation of
tolerance to bovine serum albumin in adult Rats. Nature
214, 802-803, 1967.
20.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Relationship between
thymus and hypophysis. Nature 215, 834-837, 1967.
21. Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Cellular modifications
in the hypophysis of neonatally thymectomized mice. Brit.
J. Exp. Path. 48, 627-631, 1967.
22. Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Modificazioni cellulari
ipofisarie nel topo dopo timectomia neonatale. Atti
della Società Italiana di Patologia 10, 973, 1967.
23. Pierpaoli, W. an Sorkin, E. Effect of gonadectomy on
the peripheral lymphatic tissue of neonatally
thymectomized mice. Brit. J. Exp. Path. 49, 288-293,
24. Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones and
immunological capacity. I: Effect of heterologous
anti-growth hormone (ASTH) antiserum on thymus and
peripheral lymphatic tissue in mice. Induction of a
wasting syndrome. J. Immunol. 101, 1036-1043, 1968.
25.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Effect of growth hormone
and anti-growth hormone serum on the lymphatic tissue
and the immune response. Antibiotica et Chemotherapia
15, 122-134, (Edited by E. Sorkin). Karger Verlag,
Basel, 1969.
26.Pierpaoli, W., Baroni, C., Fabris, N. and Sorkin, E.
Hormones and immunological capacity. II. Reconstitution
of antibody production in hormonally deficient mice by
somatotropic hormone, thyrotropic hormone and thyroxine.
Immunology 16, 217-230, 1969.
27.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. A study on
anti-pituitary serum. Immunology 16, 311-318, 1969.
28.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Relationship between
developmental hormones, the thymus, and immunological
capacity. In: Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in
immune response, pp397-401. (Edited by L. Fiore Donati
and M.C. Hanna, Jr.). Plenum Press, New York, 1969.
29. Fabris, N., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones
and the immune response. In: Developmental Aspects of
Antibody Formation and Structure. Vol. I, pp 79-87 (Edited
by J. Sterzl and J. Riha). Publishing House of the
Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, 1970.
30.Pierpaoli, W., Fabris, N. and Sorkin, E.
Developmental hormones and immunological maturation. In:
Hormones and the Immune Response, pp126-143. Ciba
Foundation Study Group No. 36. (Edited by G.E.W.
Wolstenholme and Julie Knight). Churchill, London, 1970.
31.Pierpaoli, W., Fabris, N. and Sorkin, E. The effects
of hormones on the development of the immune capacity.
In: Cellular Interactions in the Immune Response,
pp25-30. (Edited by S. Cohen, G. Cudkowicz and R.T.
McCluskey). Karger, Basel, 1971.
32.Fabris, N., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones and
the immunological capacity. III. The immunodeficiency
disease of the hypopituitary Snell-Bagg dwarf
mouse.Clin. Exp. Immunol. 9, 209-225, 1971.
33.Fabris, N., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones and
the immunological capacity. IV. Restorative effects of
developmental hormones or lymphocytes on the
immunodeficiency syndrome of the dwarf mouse. Clin. Exp.
Immunol. 9, 227-240, 1971.
34.Bianchi, E., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Cytological
changes in the mouse anterior pituitary after neonatal
thymectomy: a light and electron microscopical study. J.
Endocrin. 51, 1-6, 1971.
35.Pierpaoli, W., Bianchi, E. and Sorkin, E. Hormones
and the immunological capacity. V. Modification of
growth hormone producing cells in the adenohypophysis of
neonatally thymectomized germ-free mice: an electron
microscopical study. Clin. Exp. Immunol.9, 889-901,
36.Sorkin, E., Pierpaoli, W., Fabris, N. and Bianchi, E.
Relation of growth hormone to thymus and the immune
response. Proceedings of the Second International
Symposium on Growth Hormone,Milano, 1971. Excerpta
Medica Foundation, Amsterdam (Edited by A. Pecile and
E.E. Müller),244, 132-142, 1972.
37.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Immunological blockade
of the adenohypophysis and its possible application to
prophylaxis and therapy of neoplasia. Experientia, 28,
336-339, 1972.
38.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Specificity and
properties of antiadenohypophysis serum. I. Mode of
preparation, titration and effects of neonatal injection
into rats. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 11, 427-439, 1972.
39.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Inhibition of growth of
methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced mammary carcinoma in
rats by anti-adenohypophysis (anti-AH) serum. Nature New
Biology 238, 58-59, 1972.
40.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Alterations of adrenal
cortex and thyroid in mice with congenital absence of
the thymus. Nature New Biology 238, 282-285, 1972.
41.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. A thymus dependent
function of the adrenal cortex and its relation to
immunity. Experientia 28, 1385-1389, 1972.
42.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones, thymus and
lymphocyte functions. Experientia 28, 1385-1389, 1972.
43.Fabris, N., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Lymphocytes,
hormones and aging. Nature 240, 557-559,1972.
44.Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Influence of thymus on the
development of endocrine and immune functions in ontogeny.
In: Microenvironmental Aspects of Immunity (Edited by B.D.
Jankovic and K. Isakovic), pp651-654. Plenus Press, new
York, 1973.
45.Pierpaoli, W., Haran-Ghera, N., Bianchi, E., Müller, J.,
Meshorer, A. and Bree, M. Endocrine disorders as a
contributoty factor to neoplasia in the SJL/J strain of mice.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 53, 731-744, 1974.
46. Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Immunological blockade of
the hypophysis. In: Host defence in Breast Cancer. (Edied by
B.A. Stoll), pp 172-190. Heinemann, London, 1975.
47.Pierpaoli, W. and Haran-Ghera, N. Prevention of induced
leukemia in mice by immunological blockade of
adenohypophysis. Nature 254, 334-335, 1975.
48. Pierpaoli, W. and Besedovsky, H.O. Role of the thymus in
programming of neuroendocrine functions. Clin. Exp. Immunol.
20, 323-338, 1975.
49. Pierpaoli, W. and Besedovsky, H.O. Failure of "thymus
factor" to restore transplantation immunity in athymic mice.
Brit. J. Exp. Path. 56, 180-182, 1975.
50. Pierpaoli, W. Inability of thymus cells from newborn
donors to restore transplantation immuniy in athymic mice.
Immunology 29, 465-468, 1975.
51. Pierpaoli, W., Kopp, H.G. and Bianchi, E.
Interdependence of thymic and neuroendocrine functions in
ontogeny. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 24, 501-506, 1976.
52. Pierpaoli, W., Haran-Ghera, N. and Kopp, H.G. Role of
the host endocrine status in murine leukaemogenesis. Brit.
J. Cancer 35, 621-629, 1977.
53. Pierpaoli, W., Kopp, H.G., Müller, J. And Keller, M.
Interdependence between neuroendocrine programming and the
generation of immune recognition in ontogeny. Cell. Immunol.
29, 16-27, 1977.
54. Pierpaoli, W., Hämmerli, M., Sorkin, E., Hurni, H. Role
of thymus and hypothalamus in ageing. V. European Symposium
on Basic Research in Gerontology, pp 141-150. Weimar, Verlag
Dr. Med. D. Straube, Erlangen, DRG, 1977.
55. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Pharmacological control
of the immune response by blockade of the early hormonal
changes following antigen injection. Cell. Immunol. 31,
355-363, 1977.
56. Pierpaoli, W. Changes of the hormonal status in young
mice by restricted caloric diet. Experientia 33, 1612-1613,
57. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Pharmacological control
of the hormonally modulated immune response. II. Blockade of
antibody production by a combination of drugs acting on
neuroendocrine functions. Its prevention by gonadotropins
and corticotrophin. Immunology 34, 419-430, 1978.
58. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Pharmacological control
of the hormonally modulated immune response. III.
Prolongation of allogeneic skin graft rejection and
prevention of runt disease by a combination of drugs acting
on neuroendocrine functions. J. Immunol. 120, 1600-1603,
59. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Drug-induced chimerism
and prevention of graft-versus-host disease in lethally
irradiated mice transplanted with rat bone
marrow.Transplantation 26, 456- 458, 1978.
60. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. A new pre-irradiation
conditioning regimen which protects against radiation injury
and facilitates engraftment of xenogeneic bone marrow. Scand.
J. Haematol. 22, 165-172, 1979.
61. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Prevention of
graft-versus-host disease and induction of chimerism in
lethally irradiated mice reconstituted with rat bone marrow.
J. Clin. and Lab. Immunol. 2, 125-132, 1979.
62. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Facilitation of
enduring engraftment of homologous bone marrow and
avoidance of secondary disease in mice. Cell. Illunol.
52, 62-72, 1980.
63. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Induction of
enduring allogeneic bone marrow chimerism in rabbits via
soluble marrow-derived components. Immunol. Let. 1,
255-258, 1980.
64. Maestroni, G. and Pierpaoli, W. Factor(s) elaborated
by bone marrow that promote persistentengraftment of
xenogeneic and semiallogeneic marrow. J. Clin. Lab.
Immunol. 4, 189-193, 1980.
65. Pierpaoli, W., Maestroni, G. and Sache, E. Enduring
allogeneic marrow engraftment via nonspecific bone
marrow-derived regulating factors (MRF). Cell. Immunol.
57, 219-228, 1981.
66. Maestroni, G. and Pierpaoli, W. Pharmacological
control of the hormonally mediated immune response. In:
Psychoneuroimmunology, pp 405-428 (Edited by R. Ader),
Academic Press, New York, 1981.
67. Pierpaoli, W. Integrated phylogenetic and
ontogenetic evolution of neuroendocrine and
identity-defence, immune functions. In:
Psychoneuroimmunology, pp 575-606 (Edited by R. Ader),
Academic Press, New York, 1981.
68. Maestroni, G., Pierpaoli, W. and Zinkernagel, R.M.
Immunoreactivity of long-lived H-2 incompatible
irradiation chimeras (H-2d® H-2b). Immunology 46,
253-260, 1982.
69. Pierpaoli, W. and Meshorer, A. Host endocrine status
mediates oncogenesis: leukemia virus-induced carcinomas
and reticulum cell sarcomas in acyclic or normal mice.
Europ. J. Cancer, 18, 1181-1186, 1982.
70. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Marrow regulating
factors (MRF) and radiation chimeras: a model for bone
marrow-directed. In: Immunoregulation, pp133-140. (Edited
by N. Fabris, E. Garaci, J. Hadden and N.A. Mitchison).
Plenum Press, New York, 1983.
71. Maestroni, G. and Pierpaoli, W. Rejection of P2 skin
grafts by long lived H-2 incompatible GVHD-free bone
marrow chimeras (P1® P2). Transplantation 36, 461-463,
72. Maestroni, G. Pierpaoli, W. and Zinkernagel, R.M.
Allogeneic H-2d® H-2b irradiation bone marrow chimeras:
a) Failure to transfer chimerism adoptively and b)
Immune reactivity of immunocompetent lymphocytes
adoptively transferred to chimeras. Immunobiology 164,
417-429, 1983.
73. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Dominance and
persistence of donor marrow in long-lived allogeneic
radiation chimeras obtained with unmanipulated bone
marrow. Immunol. Let. 6, 197-202, 1983.
74. Cuk, M., Radosevic-Stasic, B., Pierpaoli, W. and
Rukavina, D. Bone marrow-liver-spleen axis in the
regulation of morphostasis. Period. Biol. 85, 23-24,
75. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Marrow regulating
factors (MRF) and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation:
a model for morphostasis and immunity. In: Human's
Physiology (Russian), 10, 234-241, 1984.
76. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Enduring allogeneic
and xenogeneic hemopoietic engraftment via
marrow-derived regulating factors (MRF). In: Tolerance
in Bone Marrow and Organ Transplantation (Edited by S.
Slavin) pp 403-414. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.
77. Pierpaoli, W. The bone marrow, our autonomous
morphostatic "brain". In: Breakdown in Human Adaptation
to Stress. Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach. Vol.II,
pp 713-721. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague,
78. Pierpaoli, W. Immunoregulatory and morphostatic
function of bone marrow-derived factors. In: Neural
Modulation of Immunity (Edited by R. Guillemin, M. Cohn
and T. Melnechuk) pp 205-220. Raven Press, New York,
79. Pierpaoli, W. Growth of transplantable melanoma and
leukemia and prevention of virus-induced leukemia in
long-lived radiation chimeras constructed with
unmanipulated bone marrow. Clin Exp. Immunol. 59,
210-216, 1985.
80. Pierpaoli, W., Kellerhals, R., Buehler, A. and Sache,
E. Experimental manipulations and marrow- derived
factors which affect the outcome of bone marrow
transplantation across the H-2 barrier in lethally
irradiated mice. J. Clin. Lab Immunol. 16, 115-124,
81. Pierpaoli, W. Modulation of immunity by drugs.
Immunology Today 6, 288, 1985.
82. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Role of
the pineal gland in immunity. I. The cyclic circadian
synthesis and release of the pineal neurohormone
melatonin regulates the antibody response in vivo and
antagonizes the immunosuppressive effect of
corticosterone. J. Neuroimmunol. 13, 19-30, 1986.
83. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin
regulates immunity via an opiatergic mechanism. Clin.
Neuropharmacol. 9, Suppl. 4, 479-481, 1986.
84. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. The
pineal gland and the circadian, opiatergic,
immunoregulatory role of melatonin. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
496, 67-77, 1987.
85. Pierpaoli, W., Balakrishnan, J., Sache, E., Choay,
J. and Maestroni, G. Neuroendocrine and bone marrow
factors for control of marrow transplantation and tissue
regeneration. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 496, 27-38, 1987.
86. Pierpaoli, W. Neuroimmunomodulation: an approach to
therapy of neurological diseases. In: Clinical
Neuroimmunology (Edited by Aarli, J.A., Behan, W.M.H.
and Behan, P.O.) pp. 500-505. Blackwell, Oxford, 1987.
87. Regelson, W. and Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin, a
rediscovered anti-tumor hormone? Its relation tosurface
receptors; sex steroid metabolism; immunologic response,
and chronobiologic factors intumor growth and therapy.
Cancer Invest. 5, 379-385, 1987.
88. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Melatonin: a
principal neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone:
its anti-aging effects. Immunol. Let. 16, 355-362, 1987
89. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Role of
the pineal gland in immunity. II. Melatonin enhances the
antibody response via an opiatergic mechanism. Clin. Exp.
Immunol. 68, 384-391, 1987.
90. Pierpaoli, W., Balakrishnan, J., Yi, C.X., Maestroni,
G, Conti, A., Sache, E. and Choay, J. Linkage of pineal
melatonin, neuropeptides and bone marrow inhibitors for
the control of normal and neoplastic growth. 15th Int.
Congress of Chemotherapy, Istanbul, Vol. 3. Progress in
Chemother. Anticancer Section, 57-59, 1987.
91. Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G.
Neuroimmunomodulation: some recent views and findings.
Int. J. Neurosci. 39, 165-175, 1988.
92. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Role of
the pineal gland in immunity. III. Melatonin antagonizes
the immunosuppressive effect of acute stress via an
opiatergic mechanism. Immunology 63, 465-469, 1988.
93. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Pineal
melatonin, its fundamental immunoregulatory role in
aging and cancer. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 521, 140-148,
94. Pierpaoli, W., Balakrishnan, J., Maestroni, G.,
Sache, E. and Choay, J. Bone marrow: a "morphostatic
brain" for control of normal and neoplastic growth.
Experimental evidence. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 521,
300-311, 1988.
95. Maestroni, G., Conti, A. and Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin,
stress and the immune system. In: Pineal Research
Reviews,Vol. 7 (Edited by Reiter R.J.) pp 203-226. Alan
R. Liss, New York, 1989.
96. Pierpaoli, W. and Yi, C.X. The pineal gland and
melatonin: the aging clock? A concept and experimental
evidence. In: Stress and the Aging Brain. Aging Series,
Vol. 37. (Edited by Nappi, G., Martignoni, E., Genazzani,
A.R. and Petraglia, F.) pp 171-175. Raven Press, New
York, 1990.
97. Pierpaoli, W. and Yi, C.X. The involvement of pineal
gland and melatonin in immunity and aging. I.
Thymus-mediated, immunoreconstituting and antiviral
activity of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). J.
Neuroimmunol. 27, 99-109, 1990.
98.Pierpaoli, W.,Yi, C.X. and Dall'Ara, A.
Aging-postponing effects of circadian melatonin:
experimental evidence, significance and possible
mechanisms. Int. J. Neurosci. 51, 339-340, 1990.
99. Pierpaoli, W., Dall'Ara, A., Pedrinis, E. and
Regelson, W. The pineal control of aging: the effects of
melatonin and pineal grafting on the survival of older
mice. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 621, 291-313, 1991.
100. Pierpaoli, W., Dall'Ara, A., Yi, C.X., Neri, P.,
Santucci, A. and Choay, J. Iron carrier proteins
facilitate engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow and
enduring hemopoietic chimerism in the lethally
irradiated host. Cell. Immunol. 134, 225-234, 1991.
101. Lesnikov, V.A., Isaeva, E.N., Korneva, E.A. and
Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin reconstitutes the decreased
CFU-S content in the bone marrow of
hypothalamus-lesioned mice. In: Role of Melatonin and
Pineal Peptides in Neuroimmunomodulation. (Edited by
Fraschini, F. and Reiter, R.) pp 225-231. Plenum Press,
New York, 1991.
102. Pierpaoli, W. The pineal gland: a circadian or
seasonal aging clock? Aging 3, 99-101, 1991.
103. Lesnikov, V.A., Korneva, E.A., Dall'Ara, A. and
Pierpaoli, W. The involvement of pineal gland and
melatonin in immunity and aging. II. Thyrotropin
releasing hormone and melatonin forestall involution and
promote reconstitution of the thymus in anterior
hypothalamic area (AHA)-lesioned mice. Int. J. Neurosci.
62, 141-153, 1992.
104. Pierpaoli, W. Effect of human transferrin on
engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow in different
strains of lethally irradiated mice. Nat. Immun. and
Cell Growth Regul. 11, 356-365, 1992.
105. Pierpaoli, W. Pineal grafting and melatonin induce
immunocompetence in nude (athymic) mice. Int. J.
Neurosci. 68, 123-131, 1993.
106. Pierpaoli, W. and Regelson, W. The pineal control
of aging. The effect of melatonin and pineal grafting on
aging mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 787-791,
107. Pierpaoli, W. The pineal aging clock. Evidence,
models and an approach to aging-delaying strategies. In:
Aging, Immunity and Infections (Edited by Powers, D.C.,
Morley, J.E. and Coe, R.M.) pp. 166-175. Springer
Publishing Company, New York, 1994.
108. Pierpaoli, W. and Lesnikov, V.A. The pineal aging
clock. Evidence, models, mechanisms, interventions. Ann.
N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719, 461-473, 1994.
109. Lesnikov, V.A. and Pierpaoli, W. Pineal
cross-transplantation (old« young) as evidence for an
endogenous "aging clock". Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719,
456-460, 1994.
110. Mocchegiani, E., Bulian, D., Santarelli, L.,
Tibaldi, A., Pierpaoli, W. and Fabris, N. The
zinc-melatonin interrelationship. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
719, 298-307, 1994.
111. Viticchi, C., Bulian, D., Pierpaoli, W. and
Piantanelli, L. Brain a and b-adrenoceptors are
differently modulated by pineal graft in aging mice. Ann.
N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719, 448-453, 1994.
112. Mocchegiani, E., Bulian, D., Santarelli, L.,
Tibaldi, A., Muzzioli, M., Pierpaoli, W. and Fabris, N.
The immuno-reconstituting effect of melatonin or pineal
grafting and its relation to zinc pool in aging mice. J.
Neuroimmunol. 53, 189-201, 1994.
113.Pierpaoli, W. The pineal gland as ontogenetic
scanner of reproduction, immunity and aging. Ann. N.Y.
Acad. Sci. 741, 46-49, 1994.
114.Lissoni, P., Arosio, V., Mocchegiani, E., Fabris,
N., Barni, S., Pierpaoli, W. and Tancini, G. Zinc levels
in serum during subcutaneous interleukin-2 immunotherapy
of cancer. Int. J. Biol. Markers 10, 124-125, 1995.
115.Deeg, H.J., Pierpaoli, W., Arrighi, S., Seidel, K.,
Graham, T., Huss, R. Yu, C., Myerson, D., Schuening, F.
and Storb, R. Facilitation of DLA-incompatible marrow
grafts by donor-derived transferrin? Transplant Immunol.
4, 113-116, 1996.
116.Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P.,
Arrighi, S. and Bardotti, A. Specific xenogeneic (human)
tolerance in immunosuppressed mice by combined
donor-derived human transferrin and antigens. Transpl.
Proc. 28, 711-712, 1996.
117.Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P. and
Arrighi, S. Donor-derived plasma transferrin facilitates
the engraftment of xenogeneic (rat) bone marrow in
irradiated mice. Bone Marrow Transplantation 18,
203-207, 1996.
118.Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P.,
Arrighi, S. and Bardotti, A. Unresponsiveness to human
leukocytes in immunosuppressed mice by combined
donor-derived human transferrin and antigens. Transplant
Immunol. 4, 301-308, 1996.
119.Mocchegiani, E., Bulian, D., Santarelli, L., Tibaldi,
A. Muzzioli, M., Lesnikov, V.A., Pierpaoli, W. and
Fabris, N. The zinc pool is involved in the
immunoreconstituting effect of melatonin in
pinealectomized mice. J. Pharm. and Exp. Therap. 277,
1200-1208, 1996.
120.Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin, the pineal gland and aging:
a planetary and biological reality. In: The Science of
Anti-Aging Medicine (Edited by Klatz, R. and Goldman,
R.) pp. 107-114 .American Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine, Colorado Springs, 1996.
121.Pierpaoli, W. and Lesnikov, V.A. Theoretical
considerations on the nature of the pineal "aging
clock". Gerontology 43, 20-25, 1997.
122.Pierpaoli, W., Bulian, D., Dall'Ara, A., Marchetti,
B., Gallo, F., Morale, M.C., Tirolo, C. and Testa, N.
Circadian melatonin and young-to-old pineal grafting
postpone aging and maintain juvenile conditions of
reproductive functions in mice and rats. Exp. Gerontol.
32, 587-602, 1997.
123.Pierpaoli, W. La melatonina, la pineale e
l'invecchiamento: evidenza sperimentale di una nuova
realtà biologica. Melatonina. Dalla Ricerca agli
Interventi, pp. 145-152. Euromeeting .Edizioni, Torino,
124.Pierpaoli, W. and Lesnikov, V.A. Pineal control of
stress, di-stress and aging: the melatonin evidence.
Developmental Brain Dysfunction, 10, 528-537, 1997.
125. Pierpaoli, W. Neuroimmunomodulation of aging: a
programme in the pineal gland. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 840,
491-497, 1998.
126. Pierpaoli, W. Overcoming the histocompatibility
barrier. Transferrins as carriers and modulators of
immunogenic identity. Cell Transpl. 7, 541-548, 1998.
127. Pierpaoli, W., Bulian D., Bulian G., and Kistler,
G. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (THR) accelerates and
enhances the aging-postponing effects of melatonin. J.
Anti-Aging Med:2, 343-348,1999.
128. Pierpaoli W. and Bulian, D. Transferrin treatment
corrects aging-related immunologic and hormonal decay in
old mice. Exp. Gerontol. 35, 401-408, 2000.
129. Bulian, D. and Pierpaoli, W. The pineal control of
cancer. I. Pinealectomy corrects congenital hormonal
dysfunctions and prolongs life in cancer-prone C3H/He
mice. J. Neuroimmunol. 108, 131-135, 2000.
130. Lesnikova, M., Lesnikov, V., Arrighi, S., Kistler,
G., Pierpaoli, W. And Deeg, H.J. Upregulation of
interleukin-10 and inhibition of alloantigen responses b
transferrin and transferrin-derived glycans. J. Hematol.&
Stem Cell Res. 9,381-392, 2000.
131. Pierpaoli, W and Bulian, D. The Pineal Aging and
Death Programme. I. Grafting of old pineals in young
mice accelerates their aging. J. Anti-Aging Med. 4,
31-37, 2001.
132. Bellipanni, G., Bianchi, P., Pierpaoli, W., Bulian,
D. and Ilyia, E. Effects of melatonin in perimenopausal
and menopausal women: a randomized and
placebo-controlled study. Exp. Gerontol., 36, 297-310,
133. Lesnikov, V, Lesnikova, M., Shulman, H.M., Arrighi,
S., Pierpaoli, W. And Deeg, H.J. In vivo cytoprotective
and immunomodulatory effects of transferring. Submitted
as "Camera Ready" to Global Research Network (India),
4/2002, revised on 07.30.2002.
134. Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P., Shulman, H.M.,
Wilson, H.-M., Hockenberry, D.M., Kocher, M., Pierpaoli,
W. and Deeg, H.J. Prevention of Fas-mediated hepatic
failure by Transferrin. Laboratory Inv. , 2003,
135. Pierpaoli, W. The rotational origin and state of
the whole. Its relation to growth, fertility, aging,
death, and diseases. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1057, 1-15,
136. Pierpaoli, W. Neurodegenerative diseases: a common
etiology and a common therapy. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.,
1057, 319-326, 2005.
137. Pierpaoli, W., Bulian, D. The pineal aging and
death program. II. Life prolongation in pre-aging
pinealectomized mice. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1057,
133-144, 2005.
138. Yi, C., Pan, X., Yan, H., Guo, M. and Pierpaoli, W.
Effects of melatonin in age-related macula degeneration.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1057, 384-392, 2005.
degli studi scientifici del Prof. Pierpaoli su relazione
tra melatonina e cancro
Pace,G.,Pierpaoli,W.e Clerici, E.Aerobic glycolysis of
normal tissues suspended in thoracic duct lymph.
Experientia 23, 63, 1967.
Pierpaoli, W. e Sorkin, E. Relationship between thymus
and hypophysis. Nature 215, 834, 1967.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Effect of gonadectomy on
the peripheral lymphatic tissue of neonatally
thymectomized mice. Brit. J. exp. Path. 49, 288, 1968.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Hormones and immunological
capacity. I. Effect of heterologous anti-growth hormone
(ASTH) antiserum on thymus and peripheral lymphatic
tissue in mice. Induction of a wasting syndrome. J.
Immunol. 101, 1036, 1968.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. A study on anti-pituitary
serum. Immunology 16, 311, 1969
Pierpaoli, W., Fabris, N. and Sorkin, E. Developmental
hormones and immunological maturation. In: Hormones and
the Immune Response, Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 36.
G.E.W.Wolstenholme and Julie Knight, editori. Churchill,
London, pp 126-143, 1970.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Immunological blockade of
the adenohypophysis and its possible application to
prophylaxis and therapy of neoplasia. Experientia 28,
336, 1972.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Specificity and properties
of anti-adenohypophysis serum. Mode of preparation,
titration and effects of neonatal injection into rats.
Clin. exp. Immunol. 11, 427, 1972
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Inhibition of growth of
methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced mammary carcinoma
by anti-adenohypophysis (anti-AH) serum. Nature New
Biology 238, 58, 1972.
Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Alterations of adrenal
cortex and thyroid in mice with congenital absence
of the thymus. Nature New Biology 238, 282, 1972.
Fabris, N., Pierpaoli, W. and Sorkin, E. Lymphocytes,
hormones and aging. Nature 240, 557, 1972.
Pierpaoli, W., Haran-Ghera, N., Bianchi, E., Mueller,
J., Meshorer, A. and Bree, M. Endocrine disorders as a
contributory factor to neoplasia in the SJL/J strain of
mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 53, 731, 1974.
Pierpaoli, W. and Haran-Ghera, N. Prevention of induced
leukemia in mice by immunological inhibition of
adenohypophysis. Nature 254, 334, 1975.
Pierpaoli, W. and Besedovsky, H.O. Role of the thymus in
programming of neuroendocrine functions. Clin. Exp.
Immunol. 20, 323, 1975.
Pierpaoli, W., Haran-Ghera, N. and Kopp, H.G. Role of
the host endocrine status in murine leukemogenesis.
Brit. J. Cancer 35, 621, 1977.
Pierpaoli, W. Changes of the hormonal status in young
mice by restricted caloric diet. Relation to lifespan
extension.Preliminary results. Experientia 33, 1612,
Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Drug-induced chimerism
and prevention of graft versus-host disease in
lethally irradiated mice transplanted with rat bone
marrow. Transplantation 26, 456, 1978.
Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. and Sache, E. Enduring
allogeneic marrow engraftment via non-specific bone
marrow-derived regulating factor (MRF).Cell. Immunol.
57, 219, 1981.
Pierpaoli, W. and Meshorer, A. Host endocrine status
mediates oncogenesis: leukemia virus- induced
carcinomas and reticulum cell sarcomas in acyclic or
normal mice. Europ. J. Cancer 18, 1181, 1982.
Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Dominance and
persistence of donor marrow in long-lived
allogeneic radiation chimeras obtained with
unmanipulated bone marrow. Immunol Let.6,197, 1983.
Pierpaoli, W. Growth of transplantable melanoma and
leukemia and prevention of virus-induced leukemia in
long-lived radiation chimeras constructed with
unmanipulated bone marrow. Clin. and Exp. Immunol.
59, 210, 1985.
Pierpaoli, W. Neuroimmunomodulation: an approach to the
therapy of neurological diseases. In:Clinical
Neuroimmunology, J.A. Aarli, W.M.H. Behan and P.O. Behan,
editori. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 500-505, 1987
.Regelson, W. and Pierpaoli, W. Melatonin: a
rediscovered anti-tumor hormone? Its relation to surface
receptors; sex steroid metabolism; immunological
response and chronobiologic factors in tumor growth and
therapy. Cancer Investigations 5, 379, 1987.
Pierpaoli, W. and Maestroni, G. Melatonin: a principal
neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone: its
anti-aging effects. Immunol. Let. 16, 355, 1987.
Pierpaoli, W., Balakrishnan, J. Maestroni, G., Sache, E.
and Choay, J. Bone marrow: a "morphostatic brain"
for control of normal and neoplastic growth.
Experimental evidence.In:Neuroimmunomodulation:
Interventions in Aging and Cancer. Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci.521, 300, 1988
(First Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer). Pierpaoli,
W., Yi, C.X. and Dall'Ara, A. Aging-postponing effects
of circadian melatonin:experimental evidence,
significance and possible mechanisms. Int. J. Neurosci.
51, 339, 1990.
Pierpaoli, W. The pineal gland: a circadian or seasonal
aging clock? Aging 3, 99, 1991.
Pierpaoli, W. and Regelson, W. The pineal control of
aging. The effect of melatonin and pineal grafting on
aging mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 787, 1994.
Mocchegiani, E., Bulian, D., Santarelli, L., Tibaldi,
A., Muzzioli, M. Pierpaoli, W. and Fabris, N.The
immuno-reconstituting effect of melatonin or pineal
grafting and its relation to zinc pool in aging mice.
J. Neuroimmunol. 53, 189, 1994.
Pierpaoli, W. The pineal gland as ontogenetic scanner of
reproduction, immunity and aging. In:
Neuroimmunomodulation; The State of the Art. Ann. N.Y.
Acad. Sci. 741, 46, 1994.
Deeg, H.J., Pierpaoli, W., Arrighi, S., Seidel, K.,
Graham, T., Huss, R., Yu, C., Myerson, D.,
Schuening, F. and Storb, R. Facilitation of
DLA-incompatible marrow grafts by donor-specific serum
transferrin? Transplant Immunol. 4, 113, 1996.
Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P., Arrighi,
S. and Bardotti, A. Specific xenogeneic (human)
tolerance in immunosuppressed mice by combined
donor-derived human transferrin and antigens.
Transpl. Proc. 28, 711, 1996.Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov,
V.A., Lesnikova, M.P. and Arrighi, S. Donor-derived
plasma transferrin facilitates the engraftment of
xenogeneic (rat) bone marrow in irradiated mice. Bone
Marrow Transplantation 18, 203, 1996.
Pierpaoli, W., Lesnikov, V.A., Lesnikova, M.P., Arrighi,
S. and Bardotti, A. Unresponsiveness to human
leukocytes in immunosuppressed mice by combined
donor-derived human transferrin and antigens.
Transpl. Immunol. 4, 301, 1996.
Pierpaoli, W. and Lesnikov, V.A. Theoretical
considerations on the nature of the pineal "aging
clock".Gerontology 43, 20, 1997
Bulian, D. and Pierpaoli, W. The pineal gland and
cancer. I. Pinealectomy corrects congenital hormonal
dysfunctions and prolongs life of cancer-prone C3H/He
mice. J. Neuroimmunol. 108, 131, 2000.