It is in absolute one of the best (probably the best for regrowth hair) and more effective combinations of pharmacological agents used for treating the baldness, sod included.
It is in cream.
It is an American Dr. Proctor product.
Dr. Proctor is the most famous doctor on alt.baldspot
(American newsgroup on the baldness), one of the most experienced persons in baldness and
hairloss known by Anagen and works continuosly to improve his products.
Since 1984 he develops treatments for persons who failed other treatments.
Dr. Proctor has at least 7 USA patents for the treatment of the baldness (also for
alopecia areata) and for regrowth hair. A physician has exempted from the bureaucracy FDA
and can use every approved and suitable agent for the problem. In such way is
facilitated the search and the improvement of the treatments. A lot of new therapies were
born in such way. Dr. Proctor is also a pharmacologist PhD of active search from 25 years
for skin medicines.
Proxiphen contains : tretinoin, minoxidil, phenitoine, spironolactone, vared types of SOD, NANO, arginine, allantoine, NAC and other. It contains more than 5% minoxidil (5.5% says Dr. Proctor). Very interesting are the sod products of Dr. Proctor, some patented.
Why is it in cream? Because many components are insoluble in liquid, then causes the precipitation of the others. Then Dr. Proctor suspends every thing in micronized form.
Some people who have used it say that it is one of the best products for the regrowth hair. It must be used once a day only.
How is Proxiphen applied?
After washed or dampened hair (this helps in the
absorption and in the shedding of the product), remove the excess of water with
a towel and apply on the emptiest zones of hair, 1/10 of tablespoon of product
(some product on the point of a finger). It is not necessary to apply the
medication everywhere. Work on hairline.
With such methodology the product can also last more than one month!
It is enough to apply the product once a day. Another reason to order the product.
The moment of the application is not important: you can do this when it is more convenient.
Proxiphen-N is another Proxiphen similar product but without some component , without tretinoin, minoxidil, fenitoine, spironolactone.
Proxiphen-N ( "Prox-N" ) is a topical formulation of many of the nonprescription hair-loss treatment agents, these include various SODases, copper-binding peptides, and pyridine-N-Oxide hair growth stimulators. It is in liquid form since many components are insoluble in liquid, then causes the precipitation of other ingredients. It must be used daily. Proxiphen-N, is one of the best products against hair loss, baldness of every type (also for alopecia areata) and regrowth hair.
Ingredients are : allantoin, ascorbate, ascorbylpalmitate, arginine, BHT, 3 carboxypyridine-N-Oxide, CU/ZN-binding peptides (from CU/ZN sulfates), EDTA, propyleneglycol, superoxide dismutases, water. It has a pleasant perfume. It is in a liquid form. The quantity of every vial. is 60 ml (2 fl.oz). Ten drops are half ml. This product contains a good quantity of sod.
How to dose the ml ? In a small vial of transparent glass apart you pours inside more or less the necessary one for the application. Then fill half ml with a dropper (for instance you find in a wrapping of Regaine Upjohn), and apply it. Dose another ml necessary and apply. Then eventually leave in the vial (provided of cork) the remainder for the following application.
Another version, sold in a big distribution is "Dr. Proctor's Advanced Regrowth Formula", less effective than Dr. Proctor's products in treatment of baldness. Dr. Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula contains a potent dose of a "natural" minoxidil (NANO) combined with EDRF enhancers, SODases, and free radical scavengers.
Dr. Peter Proctor, M.D., Ph.D. is a world renowned authority on Hair Loss and Baldness and has developed unique, patented multi-ingredient hair formulas that address all the known factors in the balding process.
This multi-agent, natural formula is a potent natural hair growth formula you can buy. It includes every type of natural hair treatment agent available to counter DHT, autoimmune, and inflammatory effects which cause baldness.
This can be however a good product to feel the effectiveness of the excellent Dr.
Proctor's products SOD on the own baldness form.
Proxiphen effects on male pattern baldness |
Begin | After 5 months | After 9 months |
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Proxiphen effects on alopecia areata |
Begin | After 8 months |
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It is interesting to show what it can do. This woman had had an alopecia areata severe of many years.
Is Copper Better Than PropeciaŽ for Blocking DHT Production?
Copper ion is more effective in inhibiting the type 1 form which primarily produce the DHT that damages follicles and can be administered locally to the skin. Sugimoto et al (Sugimito 1995) found that copper ion is a potent inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, inhibiting both types of 5-alpha reductase (both type 1 and type 2) that produce DHT and is the only metal to do so. Copper ion inhibits (50% reduction in activity) type 1 alpha reductase at 1.9 micromolar (0.12 micrograms copper ion per milliliter) and type 2 alpha reductase at 19.2 microM (1.2 micrograms copper ion per milliliter). No other metal has these effects.
The application of copper-peptides may provide sufficient copper ion into the hair follicle area to block DHT production in the scalp. Metabolically active copper ion (that is, copper ion free to block 5-alpha reductase) in the human body exists at about 1 microgram per milliliter in the blood and less in the skin. While the uptake of ionic copper from copper-peptides applied to the scalp is very low, human experiments by Prof. John Sorenson (University of Arkansas) have found that they can raise copper ion levels in the skin to the effective level of 1 microgram per millimiter.
Cations inhibit specifically type I 5 alpha-reductase found in human skin
Proxiphen, probably the better product against hairloss, baldness of every type (also for alopecia areata) and regrowth hair. To order and to receive the product click under.
Revivogen is a similar, equally effective product which can be ordered by credit card.