Dear Dr. Klein:
First I must apologize not being able to make our final appointment last week. My last maternal uncle died and there was a lot of family business to which I had to attend before the wake & funeral on Saturday. I would however very much like to know the final results of the study and what were the contents of the various formulae and their relative effectiveness. I also would be interested in receiving information regarding purchasing products…particularly if there are discounts involved. Other than that, I am overjoyed to announce that hair is actually growing on the ol’ 88-Ball that is my cranium! My girlfriend definitely noticed, as she would always pat & stroke the bald spot and make some stupid comment just to annoy me. Now she strokes the “now not- so-bald spot” and exclaims how silky it feels…feels good to me too! I wish to keep up the treatments and see where they lead! Might even keep my head warm in the winter. We sure do love ya, Dr Klein My hair is back I shall not whine Although this is a crummy rhyme We sure do love ya, Dr Klein |
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When I read on
the Hair Side about a new hair study by Dr. Klein I thought I should
try it, but I was very skeptical. For some reason, I did not believe
it will work. I tried some products in the past, but they did not
work for me. I made an appointment, but I almost cancelled it the
last minute, because I thought it was a waist of time. More or less,
I did not expect anything, but because it was free I decided to go
ahead and try it.
Dr. Klein was very friendly, and he explained to me the purpose of this study. After he collected some information from me he gave me one of the 3 samples (sample A, a spraying bottle with lotion inside). I was instructed to apply the lotion on the bald spots 3 times a day. I started using the product the next day. The application was very easy to use. I had to put small amount on my finger, and rub it on the bald areas of the scalp until it dissolved. The only problem I noticed with the application was that after a few days I could not spray it anymore, because it got stuck. I thought the problem was because the creamy product was a little bit thick, and it could not be sprayed easily. It would be much easier if it was put in a jar instead of a spray bottle. Now, to be able to apply the product I have to use a Q-tip. A few weeks later (3-4) I started noticing a small new hiar on some areas of my bald scalp (especially in the middle of the section of my scalp). In the beginning the hair was very small, and the color was very blond. As the time went by, the hair became longer and starting matching my own hair color (medium brown). I noticed a lot of growth in the middle section of my bald area, and then some growth started on the right side. Five months later I still see growth, it is very slow, especially on the left side. The right side looks a little bit better than the left side, and the middle area looks the best. I did not notice any side effects from the application of the product. The end result after 6 months is that I have new hair on my head. The whole balding area is not covered with hair yet, but I hope the growth will continue, so it covers the whole area. |
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I started seeing my hair fall out when I was a junior in high school in 1997. I began using Rogaine in early 2000. I got decent results, however a doctor recommended that I not use Rogaine because it doesn't really work to re-grow hair. So I stopped using it. At the end of 2000 I visited a Bosley Center, where they did 800 grafts in the front of my head. The grafts never grew. I visited another doctor who informed me that at 21 I was too young to have gotten grafts. He told me that Bosley has been sued so many times. He said I was too young and I have to be at least 30 years of age to do hair transplantation. I have lost 15.5 cm of my donor area. I wish I had known someone who would've told me not to visit Bosley. I then went to Virginia where I found a hair replacement company (European Fusion???). I was sold a piece for $3,000. I was told that this piece would be permanent and it will never come off. When I came back to Los Angeles it was already getting loose and after 6 weeks I took it off. Next I visited a few times with Richard Farrell for hair replacement piece and he claimed that he is number one in the world and he showed me pictures of models and told me that these are his clients. When I was sold the hair piece it was not what they promised me and it was not worth paying $ 4,330. I requested my money back they refused to give me my money. They refused even to talk to me. I again started researching hair transplantation for sometime, but another doctor in Atlanta told me not to do since I am too young. |
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One day I was browsing on internet and I read about Re-Mox. I asked if it would be better than Rogaine and he told me yes it is stronger. I received the first bottle on January 9th of 2006 and the same day I started using it. At the beginning it was a little irritating, but I quickly got use to it. After 3-4 weeks I saw some improvement. But then after 6 weeks I looked at the mirror I saw that it really is different than before. I took another picture after 8 weeks and it was more improved than 6 weeks. It helped me grow hair in the frontal and crown area. I am very pleased with the results. I am not considering hair transplantation anymore. I tried so many drugs and visited so many doctors nothing helped. I have been using Propecia for years, and thanks to that I am not losing any more hair. However, Propecia didn't grow new hairs but my weak hairs became back to normal. I used Rogaine it helped grow some hair but I had puffy eyes, facial and body hair, rough skin and it made me look 5-6 years older than my age. Then I stopped Rogaine. I didn't want to use Minoxidil anymore but hairsite told me to use from a different company it might a different. With Re-Mox III 5% I am very happy. It made me look younger than before. I was lost and now I have confidence. I still have a spot in the crown area but I hope that I will grow enough hair to cover that spot. I am very excited what will happen after 3-6 months. I want to thank Dr. Klein for that Product.
Thanks Dr. Klein |
I am writing to share with you my great happiness as the result of using your product, REMOX. Your product has saved my self-esteem. I am 43 years old, and my hair has been thinning slowly but steadily for over 15 years. During this time, I have done what many women do, add blonde color to hide the thinness and stop looking in the mirror. I was very vigilant about standing under spotlights, or in direct sunlight (that not just for thinness, but scalp burning). I never talked about it because then it would draw attention to it and I didn't want people to notice it any more than they already did. I really did suffer in silence. Eventually I wore my hair up more and more and sort of stopped looking at it in the mirror.
One day, following someone telling me about hair transplantation I went for a consultation. There they took pictures and I was able to see just how bad my thinning was and I was horrified. It is amazing what you don't see when you don't look. Anyway, they told me that I wasn't a good candidate for hair transplantation because the sides of the head where they would harvest the hair from was too thin (unusual for a woman, I had male pattern baldness) and they couldn¹t harvest enough hair to fill all the thinness on my head. I left there devastated and incredibly depressed and resigned myself to the idea of Rogaine, which I had bought, but was a dreadful product. I was visiting a relative in NY who had a friend who had used your product and recommended you to me. The rest as they say is "history". I started using your product REMOX on October 1, 2003 and started seeing growth within a month. Now I realize that many do not see results that fast, and in fact you had supported me in being patient as it can take some time for the product to show signs of working. As you see by the photographs that I have sent you, my hair has grown in so much I find it absolutely unbelievable. I have a full head of hair after only 10 months. My hair is healthy and thick. The very front of my scalp is still filling in and I expect that by years end I might likely be going on a maintenance regime. I know that if I were some random person reading this letter to you I would think this a hoax, but all I can say is that this product really works, and as I said earlier, you have saved my self-esteem. I don't think about my hair (in that old worried way), I run my hands through it, I brush it and I smile broadly when anyone compliments me on it, and guess what?......People compliment me on my hair, that has never in my life happened. Recently I went to the annual conference of psychotherapists that I attend religiously, and as you might have guessed most of the 200 people hadn't seen me in a year. I am very well known in this organization so people see me and recognize me. Well I must say that at least one third of the people commented on my hair....."your hair looks great, did you cut it? Is it longer? Is it blonder? Is it darker?" They didn't know and I didn't tell them, no IT'S THICKER!!!!!!! I just felt great. The other bunch of folks just told me how great I looked, and that was about the huge smile on my face and my feeling so good about myself. These people were used to seeing me in baseball caps and with my hair up, who knows when last they saw me with my hair down. Well watch out world, my hair is down and I feel and look great. Dr. Klein, thank you so much for this product. Please keep making it, and put it in BIG bottles. And when your ready for a business partner in DC, I here and ready to GO!
S.B. Dr. Klein, I
looked around for topical products and tried one that did not work so I
became very skeptical. I read up on some ingredients being used hair
regrowth products and found there had been success with minoxidill and
tretinoin. That lead to Remox1 and 2 along with some Saw Palmetto. After
using the products for 6 months I could see the progress, my hair
stopped thinning and started to grow back. Progress is gradual but the
product does work. My barber use to have a hard time with the hair line
in the front because part of the right side was eatten away but now its
easy. I still have a little progress to make and I know I'm using
something that works. Thank you Dr. Klein. Sincerely,
have been using remox II for a month and I noticed a good regrowth on
the vertex area and also improvement on the rest of the scalp. Overall
the situation is getting much better and the hairs are thicker. I passed
from a Hamilton 3/4 vertex to a 2/3 ... some days ago I also started
using Remox and I like it because its' application is quick and simple.
I'm sure that if I continue to use Dr. Klein's preparation my hair will
be here a long time! Grazie Doc! My best Regards,
"I only started using a combination of Remox and Propecia about 4
months ago, and I already have noticeable hair growth on what had
previously been a very bald crown. No mess, no fuss and no side
effects whatsoever. Dr. Klein and his staff have always been
remarkably accessible and responsive to any questions or requests. I
was a firm disbeliever in any of these treatments, but the last 4
months have turned me around 100%. I highly recommend these products."
D.A. New York, New York |
Dr. Klein:
I am a 35 year old male who started losing my hair in my mid twenties. As a result of this I had begun to see the classic horse shoe pattern at the crown of my head and very noticeable receding hairline. I told myself that it didn't matter, started combing my hair to try and cover it and eventually just wore a base ball cap all the time. At the same time I started using minoxidil 2% then switched to 5% when it became available. I even added Propecia to my routine with marginal results. I still had hair falling out in the shower on my pillow and in my comb. Needless to say I was desperate for a solution when I found you on the internet. I called for my free consultation with Dr. Klein I was surprised to find that he and his staff were more helpful than the dermatologists I had seen in my area. I started using Remox in November 1999 and . By the end of the first week I noticed no more hair in the shower drain, in my comb or on my pillow. I now have reduced the balding on my crown significantly. Remox is even putting back the hair line that had been eroding for the past ten years. I am seeing new growth every week on all areas of my scalp! My self esteem is back and I have even ditched the base ball cap. Dr. Klein's formula is the most effective treatment for hair loss that I have used. Thank you Dr. Klein." Rob California |
"Dr. Klein,
Although I have not compared pictures, I believe that I can objectively say that Remox is working. I am happy with the product and intend to reorder it. I have read about it on the website and the science behind it makes sense to me. Especially since it seems the problem with Rogaine and the scalp is that Rogaine alone does not have enough absorption. I have found that using Remox about 3 times a day- morning, lunch, before bed, does not cause any flaking or inflammation of the scalp. Thank you" B.R. New York |
"I never believed that I could trust anyone on the "web", there are
so many shysters out there, especially in the "hair re growth "
field. It seems anyone with a couple of bucks and a hustle can
create a fancy concoction and sell it on the internet, with all
types of hyped up research. Because of this and many years of
experience in losing hair, I decided to consider only medically
approved formulas. There are only a few real sites out there that
are directed by medical doctors and after careful research I found
that the most unique, run by Dr. Oscar Klein. This web site is as
close to a private medical office as cyberspace will ever allow. Dr
Klein is professional, knowledgeable, kind and always available for
consultation about any problem. He believes that he has a personal
responsibility to each patient and you can hear it in his voice when
he speaks with you. He does not accept any patients into his program
without a personal consultation, which is unheard of in the hustle
and bustle of the internet. Furthermore, his medication, Re-Mox is
fantastic for hair regrowth and maintenance. It is safe, easy to
apply and economical (his product is less than 1/2 the price of a
similar, much weaker product sold by another doctor on the web). I
have been using the product for 6 months and still can't believe the
great results I have gotten. I am overjoyed with my new, rapidly
growing hair in areas where there was none and on which I had given
up hope, after using many worthless "hair growth" formulas, with
zero results. Thank heaven, that there are still good, caring
physicians out there, even in cyberspace."
A.A.R. New York Your products are fantastic, I am longer worried with hairloss, and I am delighted to know that I will always have a full head of hair throughout my life. It makes me look at least 10 to 12 years younger. I have met a nice Latin American woman here in London. I'm sure she would not have been interested in me if I were bald and suffered with thinning hair. So I thank you for this. Sincerely, Hasan |
Dear Dr. Klein,
I know how many folks out there are looking for decent before-and-after pictures as a way of gauging the objective success of various regimens we keep hearing about. So, I decided to send in my own pictures in the hopes that they may be of interest to some HairSite members. The two Before picturess (I'm wearing a white shirt) were taken in August 2002, right before I started a hair restoration regimen - at age 39 - that I'll detail as follows: Remox I (minoxidil 5%, Retin-A ® (marchio registrato) .025%) - twice a day all over scalp Remox II (minox 12.5%, Retin-A ® (marchio registrato) .025%, hydrocortisone .01%) in frontal/temporal area Nizoral 2% shampoo 3-4 times per week Vitamin B6 - 50 mg daily Vitamin B12 - 1000 mcg daily Vitamin E - 800 IU daily 2 multivitamins daily Also, about 6 weeks ago, I added 320 mg per day of Saw Palmetto (standardized extract), and this seems to have helped with frontal regrowth. The two After pics (I'm wearing a blue shirt) were taken in August , so they represent approximately 1 year on the aforementioned regimen. As you can see, I've experienced great regrowth in the crown area, and more modest regrowth in front. I have no idea how representative these results are, but I'm hopeful that others may experience similar success. Best regards, algorithm |
Much appreciated and continued success with your regimen! |