- It is your responsibility as a consumer of these medications
to consult with a licensed physician before taking any medications. If you are unfamiliar
with FDA rules and regulations please refer to FDA link. Anagen.net help them to save incredible amounts of money.
Packages with prescription drugs in them intended
for personal use.
We have listed these links to educate you, the consumer, on
FDA Rules & Regulations.
- http://www.fda.gov/
- The Federal Drug Administration controls all pharmaceuticals. If you are curious as to
what drugs are legal to import and which ones are not, then look at this site. Also gain
valuable knowledge here concerining the importation of controlled substances into your
- www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english
- This is a sithe that concentrates on Canadian customs laws. If you are planning on
traveling to Canada to purchase medications then check this site out. Know what is legal
and what is not in Canada. Laws obviously change and differ from country to country. We
want to make sure consumers understand, and are familiar with the laws of their own
country as well as others.
- www.fda.gov/ora/import/purchasing_medications.htm
- This site will inform you of importation laws with emphasis on mail order medications
intended for personal use in 3 month supplies. You can legally order and purchase
medications from international pharmacies. These medications can also be legally shipped
direct to you in your own country. Several medications do not even require a prescription.
Look at this site to further your knowledge on importation laws.
http://www.customs.gov - This site focuses on consumers that
travel out of their countries to purchase medications. Here you will learn about customs
laws, and what your rights are as a consumer. Find out which medications you can legally
bring back into your country. Learn what medications you must declare at the customs check
point. This is a extremely informative site.
For the correct and complete information please go to: http://www.fda.gov/ora/import/pipinfo.htm