Sulfasalazine for alopecia areata.

Ellis CN, Brown MF, Voorhees JJ.

Department of Dermatology, 1910 A. Alfred Taubman Center, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0314, USA.

Sulfasalazine is used as a therapy for various autoimmune conditions, including psoriasis; its effectiveness is presumed to be the result of its immunomodulatory effects. We have treated patients with severe alopecia areata with sulfasalazine as part of our dermatology practice and have noticed cosmetically acceptable regrowth in 23% of patients in whom a response could be determined. In view of its good safety profile, sulfasalazine may be considered for systemic treatment of severe alopecia areata.

PMID: 11907504 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


E' un farmaco usato per diverse malattie autoimmuni. In questo studio, il 23% dei pazienti affetti da alopecia areata hanno avuto ricrescita dei capelli. Nei casi in cui il farmaco è efficace, provoca una significativa ricrescita dei capelli.