Read the special article about Wonderup Cream with firming and enhancing properties too, also helpful to minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
The best herbs and medicinal plants used for centuries have been studied by scientific researchers for their beneficial properties and they are now at the service of all women who want to gain cup sizes and health!
best of Mediterranean and Chinese herbal tradition in a natural dietary
supplement that not only tones and enhances the breast, but also helps in
all the female problems associated to the menstrual cycle, PMS and menopause.
How does Wonderup act? Simple: it acts thanks to the high content of phytoestrogens in the plants selected.
What are phytoestrogens? They are not hormones, but plant substances similar to human hormones that balance the hormonal production of the body.
do they act on the breast?
Its known that the breast is the main receptor for female hormones (estrogens).
If the breast is not well developed, the reasons could be a minimal hormonal deficiency or imbalance during growth.
A lack that can be remedied by taking Wonderup! No overdose of hormones! Indeed, the phytoestrogens have been found in some herbs which are the only components of Wonderup and help to protect from toxic hormones which can damage the breast tissue and lead to the development of cancer forms.
Phytoestrogens in fact stimulate the production of good hormones, thus blocking the absorption of harmful hormones.
Even if you don't need to enhance your breast, protect it with the balancing action of phytoestrogens and help your body cope better with PMS, menopause and menstrual irregularities.
With Wonderup you will gain not only beauty but also health: try it now!
In 4 weeks you'll see the first results. And you'll feel better too!
A natural solution for all women: Wonderup is a natural product, it not only increases breast size, but also uplifts, shapes, and tones the female breast.
Its unique combination of herbs, with beneficial properties on the body's natural production of hormones for the breast growth process, guarantees its amazing effects in enlarging and toning your bust. Only the best herbs containing have been selected and have been included in a rich formula you will not find in any other product on the market.
Forget high price, risks and the pain of an implant surgery. Now there is a safe, effective, inexpensive and much more beneficial alternative! These herbs will not only give you a more voluptuous figure, they will have positive side effects on your whole health too!
What is in Wonderup? Wonderup is a blend of organically grown herbs. It's all natural. There are no chemicals in this product. It works with your body chemistry simply, safely and naturally. It contains only selected ingredients and foods: soy, hops, alfalfa, fennel, borage, carrot, pollen, fenugreek, rosehips, gingko, ginseng, barley, milk thistle, vervain, galega.
How do these herbs act as breast enhancers? These natural ingredients have been traditionally used for beauty and breast enhancement in many cultures throughout the world, and for stimulating the production of mother's milk. Their effect on the development of the breast is due to the high levels of phytoestrogens contained in them. Phytoestrogens are hormone-like substances contained in plants, ie. they're similar to human estrogens but weaker than them. They regulate the body's hormonal production and make good estrogens available to the receptor cells in the mammary glands of the breast, they promote its natural growth process, add size and fullness to the bust.
Besides, phytoestrogens are currently studied by medical researchers for their beneficial properties in treating PMS syndrome and menopausal symptoms like mood swings and hot flashes; many women in menopause use them as an alternative more natural and more beneficial than chemical estrogen and promoting general wellbeing.
Surgery is no longer a safe and affordable answer if you want to achieve a full, firm and beautiful bustline. Breast implants are not only expensive but there are also too many health hazards for women who really want to care to their figure, their health and harmony. The natural step to an improved figure and a better health of the breast and of the whole body is through hormone balancing.
Here is the medical opinion of the doctor who supervises products in the
Naturdieta line :
regards the product Wonderup, on the basis of my professional medical review, I
can state that it is effective and safe, also on the basis of preliminary
medical studies. The product has been tested on a sample of 140 women from 17 to
65 years of age for a year, with positive responses in more than 90% cases. All
experimentation has been performed with control groups; therefore I can confirm
that the claims about breast size increases ranging from a minimum of 2 cm (0.7
in) to a maximum of 8 cm (3.14 in) in 90 days are truthful and confirmed by
facts. The final results do vary individually according to constitutional and
metabolic factors but are confirmed in the vast majority of cases after regular
and constant use. As a medical professional with years of experience in
nutritional sciences, I consider Wonderup a complete product and most of all
entirely natural in its formulation. The secret of the product consists in the
accurate selection of dosages and in the focus on the positive synergic effects
of the ingredients."
Specialist in Sports Nutrition
This page collects some of the feedback from our customers and tested women who have tried Wonderup for the full 3-months program with satisfying results. Please note this is provided as reference only for you to get an idea of what you can achieve by using our herbal formula for breast enhancement, and that individual results always vary since herbs, as well as medicaments, always interact differently with each individual.
"After some discussions with my wife about stuff we learned over the internet,
Santa left her two bottles of Wonderup in her Christmas stocking. I saw this new
message board when ordering another two bottles, and thought I'd report some
results. I am happy to say that my wife, who has been a 34A since I first met
her, fit nicely in a 34B Victoria's Secret bra that I bought her for Valentine's
My wife went into this process a little sceptical and not wanting to focus on a
daily basis on inches that would likely fluctuate, and might be discouraging.
But I can tell you, she experienced increased fullness within a couple weeks,
and was very pleasantly surprised that she fit in a 34B for the first time.
She's 29 and has two kids. I don't know how much more growth she will experience
(we're tentatively going to continue with the full dosage through our
anniversary, May 15). But Wonderup sure has worked for her. She now loves knit
tops :-)"
"I'd just like to say how happy I've been with Wonderup, for the first few weeks I had no results which was quite of putting, but I kept up with it and now after just under a month of using it I have increased a whole inch!! All the best to all you out there & just stick with it, it can work!!"
Posted by Abi (USA)
on January 19, 2000 at 18:32:17:
"I've only been using Wonderup for 2 weeks. This past weekend, I noticed more fullness (my husband also noticed - and commented - too!). As of today, I have even increased in size by 1/2 inch! I will post again when I have anything new to report. So far, I LOVE Wonderup!"
Posted by Kathy O'Brien (USA)
on March 14, 2000 at 13:55:46
"When I heard about Wonderup, I immediately wanted to try it. It has not taken
long for the first results to appear, and after 15 days, my breast started
gaining size.
Now, after the recommended 3 months period, I'm continuing with the maintenance
dose of two tablets a day - overall, 'til now, I have gained two bra sizes
compared to before - I went from a 34A to a full 34C.
I'm also looking forward to trying the cream to be used with Wonderup. If it has
even in part the quality and properties of the tablets, I think it'll be great,
and will definitely gain a place in my body care products range."
Maurella Villa
"I've been one of the first women to try Wonderup. I've had a significant
improvement of my bustline, about 1.6 inches in growth and a noticeably firmer
But in this product I was also looking for an improvement in general well-being
- I am in menopause and used to suffer from the usual complaints (hot flashes,
mood swings) and when I heard this product worked for hormone balancing and
therefore to alleviate these symptoms, I decided to try it.
Now I can say I found a product that helps me to feel better every day. Those
awful menopausal symptoms are gone! I feel more energetic and healthy. I'm
really happy with my improved physical condition - and not only with my new
Mariella Ferrari
"When I finally decided to try Wonderup, I was asking the product to give me back the elasticity of tissues and firmness I had when I was young. I've followed the recommendations and Wonderup allowed me to get results (a breast size increase of 5 cm - 2 in - in just the first 2 months!) which are definitely important for a woman both on a physical and on a psychological level."
Lorena Bertocchi
"I like using natural products and Wonderup attracted my interest, especially for its preventive properties in regard to unbalances due to stress. As regards breast enlargement, it took me a while - about a month - to see the first results, but after that they were noticeable - about 5.5 cm (2.2 in) in growth and most of all a firmer and fuller breast - and I'm really satisfied beyond any expectation!"
Amabile Peron
"For women like me who must take particular care of their looks, Wonderup has been the touch that I needed. I grew almost 7 cm (2.75 inches) overall and feel a lot more confident in my work, which is PR in clubs in Milan. I'm looking forward to using the cream too!"
Carmela Moro
Milan (Italy)
"When we heard that Naturdieta was marketing a natural product for breast enhancement, we wanted to try it first on ourselves.
We have verified how it is easy and practical to take the tablets, and have seen the overall results in breast growth after 3 months - 2 inches and 2.5 inches respectively - we decided also to offer Wonderup to our own customers in our health shop in Varese.
Some of our customers have even had better results, and on average the growth has been of 2-3 bra sizes.
Wonderup has become on of the most successful product for our customers!"
Laura Pesci & Monica Perucchetti
Health Shop "Erboristeria La Tisana" Varese - Italy
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