Acnederm lotion 1 bottle 30g NZ$ 26.95, 3 bottles
25ml NZ$ 75.85, 6 bottles 25ml NZ$ 141.70
It is a component contained in some products for animals, it is present in wheat and in rye.
It is an anti androgen, acting as 5-alfa-reductasi competitive inhibitor and decreasing the DHT.
It is used as an ointment in the treatment of the acne.
According to Dr. Lee, the azelaic acid is next to 100% effectiveness for inhibition of 5-alfa-reductase.
The azelaic acid inhibits the type 1 of 5-alfa-reductase.
It is irritating for the skin, above all during the first applications, just as the tretinoin. The collateral effects are generally myths and transitory. Other effects more commune are itch, prickle, prickly felt by 1-5% of patients. Blush, aridity and peeling in less of 1% of patients.
It is better not to expose the skin treated to the sun during the treatment.
It is anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, anti free radical.
It is available in cream at 20% as Skinoren, a concentration that suggests the use for the front line and difficult zones.
Also lotion 20% Acnederm.
Remox is a product that also contais azelaic acid.
Please read also Corvinex, Crinagen and Revivogen.