Robur 80 tablets
€ 29,
160 tablets
€ 55,23,
320 tablets
€ 110,47
The champions' food supplement studied spcifically for athletes and used by Formula 1 racing drivers such as Giancarlo Fisichella and Jean Alesi: ROBUR®
So how does ROBUR® work? The secret lies in the very specific properties and highly effective action of its components. The benefit of its being quickly assimilated - in 2-3 minutes - is that it places no load on the digestive system. These energy-giving substances are thus made direcly available to the whole body with no blood 'theft' from the heart and brain - which is what happens during a normal meal, when the digestive process requires blood to flow to the stomach from these upper organs, thus leaving them weak and resulting in a general loss of concentration and resistance to fatigue.The secret of these ingredients is simple: they are the richest energy-inducing substances to be found in nature. And when they are mixed together, the potency of the whole surpasses that of the sum of its parts.
"The properties of honey", explains professor, "are well-known: it is rich in simple sugars, glucose and fructose, which are highly invigorating and easily assimilated, and don't cause insulin overloads as common white sugar does. It also contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, silica, and enzymes which have an active influence on the digestive and metabolic processes, and zync, the basic component of white cells.
Then there is royal jelly, the food of the queen bee, the only bee in the hive capable of procreation. In ancient times, it was looked upon as an elixir of life, and even today it is acknowledged as having extraordinary biological powers (virtues, efficacy), especially for children, elderly people and athletes - it reduces fatigue, improves one's mood, and has positive effects on the suprarenal gland.
Pollen is rich in free aminoacids, produces an increase in the level of red cells, and improves intellectual performance.
Propolis is well-known for its disinfectant and antibiotic action. It also protects capillaries and facilitates the absorption of vitamin C.
But ROBUR® also contains more 'exotic' ingredients.
Ginseng is a plant growing in China and Korea. Its anti-fatigue, anti-anemic, and stimulating properties (on the central nervous system ) have all been widely acknowledged. Its potential in cases of physical and psychological weariness, in athletic training and general stress are evident.
These properties are intensified by the action of eleutherococcus, a plant from the Siberian steppe, well-known as an antidepressive and anti-fatigue, and by spirulina, an algae discovered in the Tchad lake and in Mexican lakes, which has been acknowledged as having beneficial effects on intellectual performance, producing an increase in concentration and attention.
Finally, there is guaranà, a shrub growing in Brasil, widely used in that country as an excellent tonic in all cases of muscular fatigue and weariness, and very useful also in slimming diets thanks to its high contents of special substances called tannins, which stimulate in the body the secretion of a lipolithic hormone, adrenalin, which draws fats out of cells and burns them."
The legal kick that can increase the physical potential of athletes to the maximum level already exists. It was created just a few years ago, and since then has helped racing drivers, cyclists, football players and other top athletes to achieve their best results, without any damage to their health. Quite the opposite, in fact.
And now this outstanding nutritional supplement is also available and highly recommended for all sorts of people - those doing sports, studying, facing stressful periods at work, or coping with the onset of old age. ROBUR® provides extra energy for everyone. It is an elixir made up of natural substances with amazing effects - it boosts physical energy, concentration and reflexes to the maximum.
It was developed by a professor, lecturer in Sports Medicine, - an authority in the field of athletic performance.
And now his invention, which looks like a green jam - sounds like X-Files stuff but actually tastes good - is now available to everybody, not just to the sports lite.
So what is this super-food of the athletes? Though it probably won't miraculously transform a couch potato into an Olympic champion, for the top athletes using it ROBUR ®is indeed almost like a magic potion. Such highly challenging and competitive sports activities as Formula 1 motor racing, off-shore, football, cycling, etc. require a truly special "juice" for muscles and for the brain, a "fuel" to be taken in the simplest possible way and without assimilation problems.
Just think about a cyclist covering a distance of hundreds of km at a speed of 50 km/h under a scorching sun. Or a rally driver in an African race lasting several days,with just a few hours break, and temperatures of 60° C. In these cases ROBUR® works like an energy bomb.
But it is an absolutely harmless bomb that would pass any anti-doping test. It is a food supplement containing only natural substances - honey, royal jelly, propolis, pollen, ginseng, eleuterococco, spirulina, guaranà and wild rose. No chemicals, just a carefully chosen blend of select substances whose extraordinary effects have been known since ancient times.
But that's not all. Extensive testing has led to the discovery of other beneficial properties of this product - it is invigorating, anti-asthenic (against tiredness), antidepressive, slimming, revitalizing for skin and hair.
"The product", says professor,
"was created with the specific aim of boosting the physical resistance and the
attention and concentration capabilities of the athletes under my supervision.
It has an anti-asthenic function, that is, it reduces the feeling of tiredness, and it
inhibits the formation of lactic acid in muscles. It could be regarded as a sort of 'fuel'
for the muscles - a highly energizing and nutritious fuel.
NATURDIETA® ROBUR, also called the "green potion" because of its color, has a pleasant sweet flavour and can be taken with the plastic spoon provided. Just put a little under your tongue to aid absorption and let it dissolve.
"The product", says professor," is known as a 'super-food' for athletes, but it is very useful also for anyone who practises sports on an amateurish level. And it is indeed suitable for everyone, from children to elderly people, with the obvious exception of anyone who should happen to be allergic to one of its components. Since it is a natural product to be taken in small doses, it carries no warnings and has no side-effects - it can even be taken by diabetics.
It can be taken in different doses and at different times of the day, according to different needs. As a general rule, anyone who wants to spend the whole day at the height of his or her physical and intellectual capabilities should take two small spoonfuls in the morning before breakfast, on an empty stomach.
However, in some cases, it is advisable to increase these doses. For instance, in periods of greater stress and tiredness due to an excessive load of work or study, the basic dose of two small spoonfuls in the morning can be repeated in the afternoon, thus increasing attention and concentration capabilities.
Even elderly people, who often suffer from lack of appetite, can similarly supplement their diet with ROBUR®, thereby avoiding the digestive problems typical of their age. Besides, the antidepressive qualities of the product can also be very useful in relieving their tendency towards depression.
And, of course, two small spoonfuls should be taken by anyone who practices some sport. Ten minutes before playing tennis or football the energy supplied by Robur is of great help for a better athletic performance, to avoid feelings of tiredness and to supply the necessary strength without recourse to eating a meal hours before the event. The same can be said for those about to start on a car journey.
The energy supplied by four small spoonfuls of ROBUR® is more or less equivalent to that of a serving of a pasta plus a whole steak (ie. a typical full meal). The difference lies in the time required for its absorption - with Robur, it just takes two minutes, whereas the digesion of a normal meal usually takes two or three hours, thus resulting in tiredness and loss of attention".
In short, ROBUR® is a real elixir for the whole body, and it is to normal foods as racing cars' fuel is to the local gas pump. "Besides", concludes the professor, "though supplying the body with the necessary calories in the form of pure energy, ROBUR ® causes no weight gain - not only, but if taken under medical surveillance, it can even be used as an excellent aid in a slimming diet, since it supplies all the substances necessary to life, but with no fat intake. One of its ingredients in particular - guaranà - has a powerful action in burning fat by stimulating the secretion of a lipolithic hormone, adrenalin. Robur has also been proven to have beneficial effects on the health of hair and skin."
® is also very useful for all kinds of excessive physicsl tiredness or exhaustion which are common during certain periods of the year. Thanks to its ingredients, ROBUR® is able to stimulate the organism and provide it with energy without causing any weight gain.HOW TO USE IT
To get the best results out of ROBUR®,
follow the instructions below:
Kids are advised to take one spoonful of the product
(using the plastic spoon provided) in the morning on an empty stomach, letting it dissolve
under the tongue.
For adults, 2-3 spoonfuls is the recommended dose.
People practising sports should take 2 spoonfuls in the morning and 2
more 10 minutes before starting the sports activity. In these doses the product carries no
particular warnings and can be taken, under medical advice, even by diabetics.
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